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篇名 運用治療性遊戲於一位骨母細胞瘤學齡期病童接受手術之護理經驗
卷期 26:1=89
並列篇名 Nursing Experience of Using Therapeutic Play for a School-age Child with Osteoblastoma Undergoing Surgical Treatment
作者 涂岑俞謝春金王文燕王玉真
頁次 077-090
關鍵字 骨母細胞瘤治療性遊戲學齡期兒童osteoblastomatherapeutic playschool-age child
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.3966/102673012015032601008




This article described the nursing experience of using therapeutic play for a school-age child with osteoblastoma undergoing surgical treatment. The nursing period was from January 6 to January 14, 2012. The Gordon’s 11-item functional health assessment guidelines were applied to collect data through observations, interviews, and physical examinations. The nursing problems were identified as follows: anxiety, acute pain, and impaired physical mobility. The author employed a series of therapeutic play in the nursing process, including using role-playing for illustrating disease and surgical procedures; aiding this child to experience change dressing and injection therapy; and blowing balloons for practicing deepbreathing exercise. Moreover, massage, music, cartoons, and video games were provided to distract this child’s attention. These interventions were effectively alleviated anxiety and pain, and promoted the effect of rehabilitation therapy. This nursing experience provides references for nursing staff to care similar children. In addition, child life specialist should be established to integrate the perioperative nursing care and enhance the quality of child friendly medical care in the future.
