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篇名 大氣等離子噴塗塵級13%TiO2-Al2O3陶瓷塗膜技術與組織研究
卷期 91
並列篇名 Microstructure and Process Research of Atmospheric Plasma Spraying Nanostructure Al2O3-13%TiO2 Coating
作者 王燦明孫宏飛
頁次 007-011
關鍵字 AT13塵級塗膜等離子噴塗正交實驗微觀組織AT13Nano CoatingPlasma sprayingorthogonal experimentmicrostructure
出刊日期 201312


本文選取38~44μm細微性範圍的塵公尺(10-9m) AT13 (13%TiO2-Al2O3)團聚粉末,以塗膜針孔率為考核指標,選用L16(45)正交實驗方法提高電漿噴塗關鍵技術條件,並詳細分析了塗膜的組織結構形態。結果表示所得塗膜在微觀組織上呈現出典型的雙態結構,由完全融化區(FM)和半融化區(PM)構成。完全融化區組織緻密,為典型的層片狀結構。部份融化區則呈現出三度空間網狀結構,局部仍保留著塵級材料的結構特徵,呈現出明顯的組織細化現象。


P l a s m a s p r a y i n g k e y parameters was studied in this article with L16(45) orthogonal experiment method. AT13 reunion powder with 38~44μm size range was selected as spraying material and the porosity of the coating was used as evaluation index. A detailed study was done on the microstructure of the coating. The results show that the microstructure of the coating presents typical binary structure which consists of partial melted region and full melted region. The microstructure of full melted region is dense and presents typical lamellar structure. Partial melted region presents three-dimensional network structure and the features of the structure of nanometer materials can be observed in this region. The microstructure of the coating was refined significantly.
