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篇名 以增進閱讀力提升學習力為職志的柯華葳院長
卷期 253
並列篇名 Hwawei Ko, Who Devotes Herself to Promote Students’ Learning Power through the Advancement of Reading Power
作者 單文經
頁次 005-016
關鍵字 柯華葳國際閱讀力評比閱讀力閱讀教育學習力Prof. Hwawei KoProgress in International Reading and Literacy Studyreading powerreading educationlearning power
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/168063602015050253001




The article reports Prof. Hwawei Ko, the Director of National Academy for Educational Research, as a person who devotes herself to promote students’ learning power through the advancement of reading power. It divided into seven sections. The background of the article is explained in the fi rst section. Prof. Ko’s research line has been gradually focused on reading, jumping in PIRLS since 2004, assurance of the idea of identifying reading ability with learning power, and the promotion of the evidence-based implementation plan for the advancement of reading learning and instruction based on the results of Taiwan student performance on PIRLES are described in the second through the sixth section. In the last section, it is suggested that, although the progress has made on Taiwan students’ reading performance, there are a lot of rooms in improving their interests and self-confidence on reading. That back to normal instruction to make betterment on those aspects is needed for those who are concerned in the future.
