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篇名 學教翻轉:新北市提升學習力的作法與挑戰
卷期 253
並列篇名 Teaching by Learning in an Inverted Classroom: The Means and Challenges of Raising Learning Power in New Taipei City
作者 林子斌陳春男何茂田
頁次 017-032
關鍵字 新北市學習力學教翻轉New Taipei citylearning powerteaching by learning in an inverted classroom
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/168063602015050253002




Taiwan education experienced a period of having drastic changes in the system in the past 20 years. When new initiatives announced, it often caused debates among the public. The Grade One to Nine Integrated Curriculum and the Twelve-Year Basic Education are two signifi cant examples. It is argued that the education reform has become a nation-wide movement because of its broad scope and profound impact on the society. Meanwhile, media apply various means to represent the education reform movement. Take the print media as an example: CommonWealth, Global View Monthly and Business Weekly investigate and examine Taiwan education at different period of education reform. The bi-annual indicator of education power for individual city/county in Taiwan published in Parenting magazine has been viewed as a trustworthy reference. This paper aims at, fi rstly, clarifying the concept of education power for individual city/ county because it is not well defi ned. Then, New Taipei city is taken as an example for detail discussion regarding its strategies, implementation and potential challenges because of its massive improvement in 2014 as well as its rich diversity compared to other Taiwanese counties and cities. Even though the four aspects under education power indicator proposed by the Parenting magazine could be applied, it is not feasible to include all four aspects in one paper. Therefore, learning power/teaching power is chosen to be the focus of this paper due to it is the most relevant to students’ learning outcome.
