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篇名 臺北市提升學生學習力的作法
卷期 253
並列篇名 Policies for Enhancing Students’ Power of Learning in Taipei
作者 馮清皇
頁次 033-050
關鍵字 授課研究教育失能教師專業職級數位學習教育中心學習力lesson studyschool failureprofessionalismdigital centerspower of learning
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/168063602015050253003




The purpose of this study is to systematically analyze of the related policies which the Education Bureau of Taipei City had done to enhance Taipei students’ power of learning from 2011 to 2014. It is hoped that the fi ndings could provide some suggestions for reference. There were two main fi ndings. First, even though the Education Bureau of Taipei City underwent the crisis of poor educational budget, the unbalanced sources of professional teachers, and the dramatic changes of the family structures, the Education Bureau of Taipei City still tried to put the policies into practice. Second, the main policies to enhance Taipei students’ power of learning include setting the important educational guidelines, making systematic educational designs, strengthening lesson study for teaching, and improving the interactions between the teachers and students, emphasizing the cultivation of leadership, facilitating school leadership for learning, promoting school-based curriculum experiment, students meet diverse adaptive selection, developing teachers’ professionalism, reforming the system of teachers’ career development, establishing digital centers, and recording and analyzing students’ learning problems.
