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篇名 兒童學習力發展之探討
卷期 253
並列篇名 Analysis on the Development of Power of Learning in Children
作者 高博銓
頁次 051-063
關鍵字 兒童學生學習力childrenstudentpower of learning
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/168063602015050253004




This article aims at analyzing the development of power of learning in children. Firstly, to explore the meaning of power of learning and present the infl uential factors on the power of learning including physical development, cognitive development, and social development. Secondly, to introduce some effective strategies to improve the power of learning from the viewpoints of family and school. Those strategies are: 1. Igniting the curiosity of children. 2. Increasing the transforming of knowledge. 3. Emphasizing the integration of experiences. 4. Cultivating creativity. 5. Improving social intelligence.
