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篇名 學期制度變革之可能性:日本中小學的學期制度調整經驗
卷期 253
並列篇名 A Possibility of Changing Semester Institution: Semester Adjustment Experiences of Elementary and Secondary Schools in Japan
作者 林雍智
頁次 081-097
關鍵字 日本教育制度第三學期學期Japaneducational institutionthe 3rd semestersemester
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/168063602015050253006




The purpose of this article aims to address the possibilities of changing semester institution. Because the authority of setting semester for schools in Taiwan belongs to the central government based on relevant laws, elementary and secondary schools, therefore, began implementing their semester system since the year of 1945. However, to implement the 12-year basic education successfully, the Ministry of Education intends to introduce the 3rd semester as a pilot program for elementary and secondary schools from 2015, discussions of the definition of semester institution and its feasibility were initiated immediately after proposition of this idea. In order to understand the concepts of semester institution, the first section of the article is to review the definition of semester, then illustrates the rules of semester institution in Taiwan as well as taken in major countries. In the third section, this article analyzes the possibility of changing semester for our nation with an institutional viewpoint based on the case of semesters adjusting experiences from trimester to semester in Japan’s elementary and secondary schools. Finally, this article ends with some concrete suggestions might have for authorities while turning educational policies into institutions.
