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篇名 談「國際文憑小學課程」
卷期 253
並列篇名 A Study on the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme
作者 王秋萍
頁次 098-111
關鍵字 小學文憑課程國際文憑小學課程國際文憑組織教育改革雙語教育primary years programmeinternational baccalaureate primary years programmeprimary school curriculuminternational baccalaureate organizationpedagogical reformbilingual education
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/168063602015050253007


「國際文憑小學課程」(Primary Years Program, PYP)是「國際文憑組織」 (International Baccalaureate Organization, IBO)承襲1968年「國際文憑大學預科課程」 (International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, IBDP)、1994年「國際文憑中學課程」 (Middle Years Programme, MYP)後向下延伸的小學階段教育學術課程,專為3至12歲學 童所設計,從1997年導入,其目的係承襲之前的大學先修和中學課程,以跨學科學習的 方式建立一套世界通用課程,透過技能學習取向的、注重過程的教學去發展學生的自主 學習,其終極教育目標在使學生成為能夠自我管理和自我定向的獨立學習者。 本文重點在提倡於體制內導入「國際文憑小學課程」,並藉此實施雙語教育。文 章始於介紹「國際文憑小學課程」的核心教育思想和六個學科組別、六個跨學科的學習 框架以及教案內容的五個基本要素(essential elements),以探討框架下所提供的跨學 科技能的學習方法。本文也簡述如何申請成為國際文憑世界學校的認證過程,以及援舉 新加坡雙語教育政策成為新加坡「建國基石之一」的經驗正面意義。值得臺灣體制內學 校注意的是,「國際文憑小學課程」可以融合地方學校課程以及使用地方語言(中文) 授課,加上新加坡成功的雙語教育政策為參考藍本,期能以此文開啟臺灣公立小學導入 「國際文憑小學課程」的廣泛討論,以及藉此實施中、英文雙語教育之可能性。


The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme is a curriculum framework designed for students aged 3 to 12 by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). The PYP commenced in 1997 and its initial goal is, same like that of International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) and Middle Years Programme (MYP), to establish a common curriculum which provides students with continuity of learning within schools around the world. The PYP helps students work with the fi ve elements and aims to create a transdisciplinary curriculum, meaning that it focuse on issues that go across subject areas, to carry out a self-managed, learning through a “skill-oriented” and “process-focused” teaching. This paper sets its focus on the benefi ts of adopting the PYP in Taiwan. It begins with an introduction of its six subject areas, fi ve essential elements, as well as the curriculum and how this curriculum is taught through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary themes. On the grounds of the speciality that PYP can accommodate local languages and national curriculum requirements, we anticipate more discussion about PYP in the Taiwanese academic circles. Also, by taking the Singapore experience of implementing bilingual education and its contribution for modern Singapore into account, it is hoped that Taiwan government would consider to adopt PYP progamme in the public schools and carry out a bilingual education setting in the coming years.
