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篇名 臺日漁業協議之現時評析與臺菲漁業談判之未來展望
卷期 11:1/2
並列篇名 The Current Analysis of Taiwan-Japan Fisheries Agreement and the Furture Prespective of Taiwan- Philipines Fisheries Talks
作者 陳荔彤
頁次 001-054
關鍵字 臺日漁業協議東海和平倡議海域劃界臨時安排Taiwan-Japan Fisheries AgreementEast China Sea Peace Initiativemaritime delimitationprovisional measures
出刊日期 201412




As the international law of the sea has developed, States have claimed 200 nautical miles of exclusive economic zones (EEZs). Over overlapping EEZs, Taiwan has faced the fisheries conflicts with neighboring States such as Japan and the Philippines. For Taiwan, this challenge pressed an urgent need of certain fisheries arrangements. To mitigate this issue, Taiwan signed the Taiwan-Japan Fisheries Agreement on 10 April 2013. To build an enforcement mechanism, fisheries negotiations with the Philippines was established upon the Guang Da Xing No. 28 incident in May 2013. This paper investigates the Taiwan- Japan Fisheries Agreement. Then, using the Taiwan-Japan Fisheries Agreement as the premise, this paper compares other signed fisheres agreements between East Aisan States. Also discussed are the advances in Taiwan-Japan fisheries relations and the further development of Taiwan-Japan Fisheries Agreement.
