
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 美國各州教育人員集體成績作弊現象與原因之探討
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 A Study of the Phenomena of and Causes for American Educators’ Collective Cheating on Students’ Standardized Testing
作者 陳成宏
頁次 031-057
關鍵字 坎貝爾法則沒有孩子落後法案教育人員作弊Campbell’s lawNo Child Left Behind ACTeducators’ cheatingTSSCI
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/156082982015051802002


美國《沒有孩子落後法案》(No Child Left Behind Act, NCLB)自2002年實施至 今已逾12個年頭,期間陸續發生的諸州大規模教育人員集體成績作弊事件震驚各 界,教育人員的形象與學生學習權利同時受到嚴重斲傷。雖說此一法案仍是持續生 效中,但反對暨檢討修正的聲浪未曾停歇。針對此一議題,本文首先對於美國諸州 教育人員集體成績作弊現象進行探討。其次,本文以坎貝爾法則(Campbell’s law)為論述架構,就《沒有孩子落後法案》的標準化測驗綁學校績效所衍生出的 教育人員集體成績作弊與之相對應。坎貝爾法則認為,愈是使用量化的社會指標來 做為社會決策的依據,就愈容易屈服於腐化的壓力,也就愈容易曲解和破壞原本該 指標所要關注的社會歷程。坎貝爾法則相當程度反映出《沒有孩子落後法案》所造 成的教育人員集體成績作弊現象,標準化測驗的量化指標原本是做為獎懲學校與教 職員的客觀依據,但也因而被主觀濫用以致扭曲了其制定的始意初衷。本文再一步 綜理文獻分析教育人員集體成績作弊的可能原因,進而嘗試以之與坎貝爾法則做結 合進行應用詮釋。本文最後提出歸結與啟示供參考。


It has been more than 12 years since the No Child Left Behind ACT (NCLB) was enacted in 2002. During its implementation, large-scale educators’ cheating on students’ high stakes standardized testing was found sequentially in a large number of states in the U.S., which not only astounds the public, but impairs the images of educators and learning rights of students as well. Although NCLB is still in effect, the oppositions and calls for revision never recede. This paper aimed, firstly, to investigate the phenomena of educators’ collective cheating on high stakes standardized testing in a large number of states in the U.S. Secondly, it attempted to explore the correspondence between the causal discourse that “attaching high stakes standardized testing to school accountability under NCLB” might lead to “educators’ collective cheating on testing scores” and the central thesis of Campbell’s Law. Campbell’s Law asserts that “the more any quantitative social indicator is used for social decision-making, the more subject it will be to corruption pressures, and the more apt it will be to distort and corrupt the social processes it is intended to monitor”. This assertion is, to a great extent, consistent with the alleged causal discourse that “the higher stakes the standardized testing holds, the more possible it will bring about educators’ cheating.” This paper further analyzed relevant literature to synthesize the causes of educators’ collective cheating on high stakes standardized testing, for the purpose of integrating the analysis with Campbell’s Law and, consequently, proceeding with its practical implications.
