
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 公務人員自我效能在成就動機與自我調控學習之間的中介效果
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 The Mediating Effect of Public Servant’s Self-efficacy on the Relationship between Achievement Motivation and Self-regulated Learning
作者 李雅莉李隆盛
頁次 125-155
關鍵字 公務人員成就動機自我效能自我調控學習public servantachievement motivationself-efficacyself-regulated learning TSSCI
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/156082982015051802005




The 70:20:10 learning model often serves as guidelines when organizations formulate their employees’ learning policies. With the rise of workplace learning paradigm and the expansion of digital learning channels, more and more public servants are expected to conduct self-regulated learning (SRL) to enhance their own competencies. However, according to Bandura’s self-efficacy theory, what remains unclear is the mediating effect of public servant’s self-efficacy on the relationship between achievement motivation and SRL. This study set out to answer this question. Subjects of the study were chosen from employees of government institution A, which has many government-level branches in Taiwan and is featured as having unified administration system. 243 questionnaires were sent out to employees working at different levels of government institution A and 234 (or 96%) of valid questionnaires were obtained. Through statistical analyses including correlation analysis, regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis, the results of this study are as follows: (1) There is medium positive correlation between employees’ achievement motivation and SRL; (2) There is medium positive correlation between employees’ achievement motivation and self-efficacy; (3) There is medium positive correlation between employees’ self-efficacy and SRL; and (4) Self-efficacy has partial mediating effect on the relation between employees’ achievement motivation and SRL. This study concludes that in order to promote its employees’ SRL, government institution A, or any suchlike institutions, should enhance not only achievement motivation but also self-efficacy in its employees.
