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篇名 肌少症之流行病學及健康促進介入之探討
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 The Paper Review of Epidemiology and Health Promotion for Sarcopenia
作者 嚴嘉楓紀彣宙周正修
頁次 009-025
關鍵字 肌少症阻力運動骨骼肌流失健康促進Health promotionresistance trainingsarcopeniaskeletal muscle loss
出刊日期 201503


我國 65 歲以上人口將在2060 年增加為41.6%,失能人口數亦逐年增加。在正 常老化過程中,衰弱症為失能前的重要表徵之一,而骨骼肌的流失是使長者衰弱 及失能的風險增加,肌少症(Sarcopenia)正是骨骼肌流失原因之一。因肌少症所 造成的跌倒、骨折及失能的醫療或照護成本已逐漸被國內外老年醫學及公衛重 視,肌少症所造成的生活品質下降也是重要議題。國內針對肌少症的流行病學研 究較少,故較難針對我國肌少症患者特性設計預防策略,故本研究目的為(1)深 入探討肌少症的定義、(2)歸納整理國內外肌少症之流行病學調查並探討其相關 因子與(3)探討肌少症健康促進方案之介入策略,期望作為未來研究參考並制定 適合的介入方案來預防失能。本研究方法以文獻回顧方式進行文獻整理,分別以 肌少症定義、流行病學調查及介入方案設計三大方向進行論述。其結果發現歐盟 對肌少症之定義最被人接受,所有的健康促進方案中以阻力運動最為有效,但不 同的運動介入所需要的時間並不相同,建議未來進行介入前要依據所選擇的運動 類型來設計期介入期間與頻次較能看出成效。


The elderly population will be over 40% in 2060 in Taiwan. Aging results in a progressive loss of muscle mass and strength called sarcopenia which could lead to functional impairment, physical disability, and even mortality. Objective: To review articles of epidemiology of sarcopenia and to discuss the health promote of sarcopenia. Methods: The system review articles was been applied by searching the keywords of pre-sarcopenia, sarcopenia, sarcopenia health promotion in PubMed and BioMed Centra. Results: To understand the epidemiology profile of sarcopenia for elders and well know the training program and instrument for promoting muscle mass of interventions program which could be as intervention references for elders care program and prevent the secondly disability.
