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篇名 1960 年代末期韓國的「間諜」論述與政治意涵: 以李穗根、李承福事件為中心的討論
卷期 52:2
並列篇名 The “Spy” Discourse in South Korea in the Late 1960s and its Political Implication: a Study on the Basis of Lee Su-Geun and Lee Seung-Bok Incidents
作者 王恩美
頁次 187-240
關鍵字 反共論述間諜形象反共宣傳新聞媒體朴正熙anti-communist discoursespy imageanti-communist propagandamediaPark Chung-heeMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201406


1961 年朴正熙以軍事政變掌握政權,1960 年代末期,朴正熙政府 面臨國內各種危機,因此希望透過建立強有力的「反共體制」,以穩 定政權基礎。在此關鍵時期發生李穗根事件(1967 年)與李承福事件 (1968 年)。朴正熙政權在1960 年代末期,透過各種手段加強「反共 體制」,以此加強韓國人民的「反共意識型態」。其中,利用民眾對於 「間諜」的恐懼,強化人民的「反共意識」,更是朴正熙政權慣用的政 治宣傳手法,而李穗根及李承福事件則是日後生產無數「間諜」論述 的重要素材及類型,具有濃厚的政治意義。 本文主要以李穗根、李承福事件為例,探討1960 年代末期的「間 諜」論述的內容,並說明李穗根、李承福事件所呈現出來的「間諜」 論述中所包含的政治意涵。本文指涉的李穗根事件,包括1967 年李穗 根投奔韓國的「投誠事件」,至1969 年李穗根在越南被逮捕為止。李 承福事件則指1968 年發生於江原道的「武裝間諜」入侵事件。另外, 「間諜」論述的宣傳方面,主要分析《東亞日報》與《朝鮮日報》兩大 主流媒體。此時的韓國媒體得受政府控制,媒體配合政府報導「反共 議題」,因此,媒體成為散播「間諜」論述的重要管道。


After seizing power through the 1961 military coup d'état, the Park Chung-hee regime faced a series of crises in the late 1960s and strove to consolidate its ruling power by fortifying the “anti-communist system”. It is in this critical period of time that the Lee Su-geun incident (1967) and the Lee Seung-bok incident (1968) occurred. In the late 1960s, the Park Chunghee regime sought to reinforce people’s anti-communist ideology by all means to fortify the “anti-communist system”. Among all the measures, the exploitation of people's fear of spies is one of the common propaganda used by the government to strengthen people’s anti-communist ideology. The Lee Su-geun incident and the Lee Seung-bok incident, being the crucial material and model for the innumerable spy discourse that follows, are thus endowed with substantial political implications. Based on the Lee Su-geun incident and the Lee Seung-bok incident, the present study explores the spy discourse in the late 1960s and illustrates the implications of the spy discourse in these incidents. Based on reports of Dong-A Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo, both mainstream media, the study looks into the promotion of the spy discourse. Since all media were under government control at the time and covered “anti-communist issues” for the government, news media became an important source to publicize the spy discourse.
