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篇名 The Development of a SOA and APIs Based Chinese Cloud Cataloguing Platform
卷期 19:1
作者 張迺貞蔡育欽Alan Hopkinson
頁次 021-040
關鍵字 cloud computingSoftware as a Service Service-Oriented Architecture library cataloguing platform
出刊日期 201503



The purpose of this project is to build the first Chinese cloud resources pooling platform with an on-demand self-service infrastructure for libraries and Library Management System (LMS) vendors by developing a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) procedure to access heterogeneous library bibliographic records. It aims to provide a cloud computing cataloguing service to libraries, academic and LMS vendors in Taiwan for future use. The system platform design was developed under two stages: 1) constructing the cloud computing infrastructure includes setting up hardware facilities, integrating Internet resources and using a set of widely accepted free or open source virtual technologies, 2) deploying the cataloguing technology includes the development of software, using developers and a team of library professionals to reduce the technology gap and to ensure that library needs are taken into account. The project demonstrates a potentially workable process in terms of availability and feasibility of a Chinese library cataloguing platform that is based on cloud computing infrastructure. It has the potential to reduce dependence on library management systems. The library cataloguing platform initially for research purposes which will eventually serve as a model for 21st century software on demand and cloud computing platforms.
