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篇名 國立臺灣大學圖書館網站好用性測試研究:以非圖書資訊學系學生觀點為例
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 The Usability Test of National Taiwan University Library Websites: A Case Study from Non-Library and Information Science Students’ Perspective
作者 楊千霆謝宗昊林知穎劉宇瑄
頁次 091-114
關鍵字 好用性測試使用者經驗圖書館網站usability testuser experiencelibrary website
出刊日期 201503


隨著網際網路的發展以及電子資源的普及,圖書館網站在圖書館業務中扮演 日趨重要的角色。本研究以國立臺灣大學圖書館網站為研究目標,徵集共4 位非 圖書資訊科系的大學四年級學生為受測者,進行好用性測試。測試內容包含17 項 任務,透過觀察紀錄及問卷的施放,了解受測者的使用者經驗。 統整與分析測驗結果,本研究從「網站詞彙」、「指示導引」、「資訊架 構」、「資訊系統」四個層面提出結論,並且根據結論對國立臺灣大學圖書館網 站提出建議。


With the development of the Internet and popularity of E-resources, the library websites are playing a more significant role. This study chose the National Taiwan University Library as the target. Four senior students from different majors, excluding Library and Information Science majors, were solicited for the usability test in this study. The user experience, realized by the observation and recording, was conducted with the questionnaires. The conclusions were divided into four parts: “vocabulary,” “instruction,” “Information structure,” and “information system.” According to the findings of this study, suggestions for National Taiwan University Library websites were given to improve the usability.
