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篇名 國立臺灣大學圖書館網站之好用性評估:以圖書資訊學系學生觀點為例
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 The Usability Test of National Taiwan University Library Websites: A Case Study from Library and Information Science Students’ Perspective
作者 許文馨吳頡琳陳俊宇吳怡臻
頁次 115-139
關鍵字 好用性測試大學圖書館使用者研究usability testacademic libraryuser study
出刊日期 201503




The goal of a university library website is to meet its users’ information needs. Although librarians endeavor to construct the websites, the users’ satisfaction is still oftentimes low. Therefore, identifying problems of university library websites and evaluating the users’ identification with the usability of library websites are important factors to improve the performance of university library websites. This study used the Chinese version of National Taiwan University Library website to conduct usability tests. The results showed that the website often used library terminology to have prevented users from easy access. In addition, the color contrast of the navigation bar was not clear enough, with excessive distracting contents to deter navigation. The results were analyzed to help improve the Chinese version of the interface design of National Taiwan University Library website.
