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篇名 上帝,景觀建築師—以以西結書中的生態花園城市計畫
卷期 5
並列篇名 An Eco-Garden City Project in the Book of Ezekiel
作者 郭怡君
頁次 098-129
出刊日期 201310



This article aims to interpret the Ezekiel’s Temple Project (Ezekiel 40-48) with the “Ecological Planning Model” developed by Frederick Steiner (1991) to bring the contemporary landscape architect theory into dialogue with ancient biblical wisdom that is based on God’s architect. For the purpose of study, Steiner’s model is used to structure the plan in the book of Ezekiel. Planning concept including Highness, Centrality, Sacredness and theory of “Resilience” are discussed. River basin and soil restoration plan are evaluated. Drawing on GunkeFs statement that the prophets tend to “use images that reveal something but at the same time conceal it’’,this article advance the vision from theory of “Resilience” as a strategic plan with a higher “adaptability” as the temporal scope of the future implementation is yet unknown. This article also chose biblical Garden of Eden, historical Hanging Garden in Babylon and contemporary Garden City developed by Ebenezer Howard (1902) as case studies for a deeper understanding of God’s planning philosophy. This article concludes that the plan demonstrated in the book of Ezekiel was a restoration plan for man's spiritual, social and physical environments. God-people-land relationship was the intended core purpose of the future city “the Lord Is There,,and was integrated throughout the planning process.

