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篇名 歌羅西書一章十五節的解經爭論紀
卷期 5
並列篇名 Concerning Colossians 1:15,Was Christ the First Created Being?
作者 林柏雄
頁次 130-159
出刊日期 201310



This article discusses Colossians 1:15 from many different angles including the background and context of the epistle itself, the writings of Apostle Paul and other New Testament authors, the meaning of the Greek word 7cp(DTOTOKO(; (prototokos) and its use in both the Old and New Testaments as well as the theological thought conveyed by Apostle Paul in choosing this word. The article also examines the grammar of Greek genitives, the meaning of the Chinese and English translations, and the viewpoints and judgments of noted Bible scholars, especially J. B. Lightfoot. Watchman Nee’s different viewpoints on the passage in 1934 and 1948 are also studied. This artcile also discusses Witness Lee,s lifelong insistence on his own peculiar interpretation. After all considerations, the writer concludes that attempts to interpret “the firstborn of all creation” as “the first created of all creation” in an effort to build up the doctrine that Christ was the first created being are wrong and in vain.

