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篇名 周邊動脈阻塞疾病的中醫診療病例報告
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 The treatment of Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease case report
作者 許堯欽王崧賴郁凱
頁次 065-072
關鍵字 周邊動脈阻塞疾病陽氣虧虛脈絡瘀阻濕熱互結Peripheral artery occlusive diseaseYang qi deficiencyBlood stasisDamp heat accumulation
出刊日期 201312


本病例為一位89歲女性病人,過去曾有多次下肢骨折接受外科手術及高血脂症病史。病人於民國98年跌倒骨折,內固定術後併發蜂窩性組織炎切除部分股骨,之後改以輪椅代步,之後足部明顯冰冷,接著雙腳大趾甲開始變形引發甲溝炎,雙腳足趾逐漸發紅發紫暗併發蟲咬噬痛感,以大趾最嚴重,於高雄某地區醫院血管攝影檢查發現雙下肢動脈多處阻塞。經使用抗凝血劑與紅外線照射治療,病情未獲改善,病人遂至本院中醫部求治。經中醫辨證診斷為整體陽氣虧虛、局部脈絡瘀阻、濕熱互結。治療以防己黃 耆湯和四妙勇安湯加減溫陽利水,去瘀通絡藥物。經服用中藥煎劑一周後病人自覺足趾症狀明顯改善,足趾顏色由紫轉為淡紅,治療四周後症狀趨於穩定。後續於中醫門診接受體質調理。中醫治療周邊動脈阻塞疾病的療效值得進一步研究與評估。


The female aged 89 had suffered from lower extremity facturescaused surgery many times and hyperlipidemia . Due to her fall-made factures in 2009, the internal fixation-complicated cellulites compelled the partial femur excision; she got around in a wheelchair. Followingly, the feet were prominently cold, the big toenail deformities produced paronychia bilaterally, the toes most severe in the big toes were from red to dark purple and bug bite pain-complicated, and the lower extremity arteries were occluded at many areas angiographically in a local hospital in Kaohsiung. Attributed to no improvement in the anticoagulant- and infrared radiation- cured condition, she visited our Chinese Medical department, which holistically detected the yang qi, deficiency, local blood stasis, and damp heat accumulation in Chinese Medicine syndrome differentiation and applied Stephania and Astragalus Decoction, Four Valiant Decoction for Well Being added and subtracted with warming yang to promote diuresis, and the medicine promoting blood circulation for removing obstruction from collaterals. Additionally, taking 1-week Chinese Medicine apozem apparently amended the toe symptoms─ the toes from dark purple to light red in her viewpoint. As for the 4-week treatment, the symptoms became more stable. Succeedingly, the Chinese Medicine clinic regulated her constitution. The effects on peripheral artery occlusive disease were worth further studies and assessments.
