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篇名 輪椅前輪翹起訓練成效之研究
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 The Effect of a Training Program on Wheelchair Wheelies
作者 陳其嶸方薇茜呂采穗張志仲楊育昇
頁次 117-135
關鍵字 輪椅翻倒前輪翹起WheelchairTipping overWheelieTSCI
出刊日期 201212


前輪翹起 (Wheelie) 對於輪椅使用者在面對各種環境障礙時,是一項十分實 用的技巧,但往往缺乏有系統性的學習訓練計畫或教導者本身不具備該技能,導 致輪椅使用者會該技巧的比例不高。因此本研究之目的為設計一套學習前輪翹起 的訓練計畫,並加以實際研究驗證其效益。結果顯示參與本研究計畫的年輕成人 學習者皆能在合理的時間內,平均花費80.3±34.2分鐘學成前輪翹起技巧,並該技 巧在間隔至少一個月後,仍達到100%的保留率。因此,本研究所使用的訓練流程 確實可做為臨床上教導輪椅使用者學得該技巧的參考訓練計畫。在進行前輪翹起 訓練前,學習者可先完成輪椅往後翻倒的應對與安全處置訓練課程;之後再學習 如何掌握前輪翹起的平衡點,爾後教導離地的技巧訓練,最後進行合併訓練。此 外,前輪翹起技巧應屬於一種內隱式記憶,就類似學習騎腳踏車這項活動般,一 但學成後不會隨著時間間隔天數的拉長,而失去了該技巧。這可以鼓勵年輕的輪 椅使用者,去積極的學習前輪翹起的技巧。一旦學成此技能後,雖在短時間內, 輪椅使用者可能暫時用不上,但在日後長遠的生活過程中,輪椅使用者可以受益 於此技能,來克服各種生活環境的障礙。


The wheelchair wheelie is a very practical skill for wheelchair users in the face of a variety of environmental barriers. But, the lacks of systematic training programs or instructors without this skill resulted in low proportion of wheelchair users gained this valuable skill.  e purpose of this study was to design a wheelie training program and to verify its e ectiveness. The results showed that all young participants were able to learn wheelie skills with in a reasonable period of time (an average of 80.3±34.2 minutes).  ey also retained acquired skills at least one month with 100% retention rate.  erefore, the training process in this study can indeed be used as a reference training program to help wheelchair users learn a wheelie skill. It was suggested that before starting a training program, learners could have completed a lesson regarding safety precautions for wheelchair tipping over. A er that, learners tried to  nd the balance points in a wheelie  rstly, practiced the take-o skill secondly, and performed combined skills lastly. Furthermore, doing a wheelchair wheelie should be an example of implicit memory, such as a bike-riding. Once learned, the skill would not be lost with longer time intervals. This will be a good point to encourage young wheelchair users to learn this skill. Once learned this skill, they might temporarily not use this skill in the near future though. But, for the long term, these wheelchair users would be benefited from this skill to overcome obstacles in a variety of living environments.
