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篇名 適用於精神分裂症患者工具性日常生活活動量表初步信、效度分析
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 Initial Reliability and Validity of the Instrumental Activity of Daily Living Assessment in Schizophrenia
作者 李柏森吳裕益李秉家劉靖琁鍾秉璁
頁次 153-176
關鍵字 精神分裂症工具性日常生活活動SchizophreniaInstrumental activity of daily livingTSCI
出刊日期 201212


本研究主要目的是對自編適用於精神分裂症患者工具性日常生活活動量表進 行初步信、效度分析,以作為編製正式施測量表之參考。預試之題目主要是根據 職能治療實務架構中之工具性日常生活活動之項目所編製,預試之對象為105位 精神分裂症患者,研究者以因素分析法檢驗量表是否符合測量單一構念,及找出 不符合測量單一構念之題目,以發展能測量單一主要潛在構念之日常生活活動量 表。在量表信度檢驗部分,研究者以Cronbach's α內部一致性係數分析整體量表 之信度。因素分析之特徵值大於1的因素有3個,第1個因素初始特徵值佔總變異 數的比率超過50%,整體量表之Cronbach's α係數為 .948。第1個因素初始特徵值 相當大,大致支持有單一主要面向之假設,此外,Cronbach's α係數顯示整體量 表之信度相當高。依預試結果,本正式量表的總題數修訂為45題,並有14個分量 表,包括:基本日常生活活動、照顧他人與養育孩子、使用溝通設備、社區移動 能力、財務管理、家庭建立與管理、備餐與清理、安全、購物、人際互動、職前 準備、社區資源的認識與使用、休閒娛樂與健康管理。因素分析結果暗示照顧他 人與養育孩子以及健康管理二個分量表,可能屬於其他面向概念。未來可進一步 進行Rasch模式之單參數題目反應理論模式適合度檢驗。


The purpose of this study was to perform an initial reliability and validity on a selfdeveloped instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) assessment in schizophrenia in order to provide a reference for an officially established assessment. Pilot questions were based on the IADL in the occupational therapy practice  amework and on items listed in the IADL.  e subjects for the pilot study were 105 patients with schizophrenia.  e researchers used factor analysis to check whether the assessment measured unidimensionality and to identify questions that did not meet unidimensionality assumptions, so that a scale for activities of daily living with unidimensional variables can be developed. In terms of overall reliability and internal consistency, the scale was analyzed using Cronbach’s α.  ere were 3 factors with eigenvalues >1; the initial eigenvalues of the first factor represented >50% of the total variance.  e Cronbach’s α coe cient was .948 for the whole scale.  e initial eigenvalues of the first factor were significantly large, which supported the hypothesis of unidimensionality. The overall reliability of the scale was very high in terms of Cronbach’s α. The final scale includes 14 subscales and 45 items. The final 14 subscales include: basic activities of daily living, caring for others and child rearing, communication device usage, community mobility, financial management, home establishment and management, meal preparation and cleanup, safety, shopping, interactions with others, prevocational preparation, community resource knowledge and usage, leisure, and health management. According to the factor analysis results, the “caring for others and child rearing” and “health management” subscales may belong to different dimensionality. In the future, further goodness-of- t of the o cially assessment would be measured by one-parameter item response theory (IRT) of Rasch model.
