
選舉研究 TSSCI

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篇名 利己或利他:民眾於2012 年總統選舉中重分配議題的立場
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 Egoism or Altruism: Citizens’ Attitude toward Redistribution in the 2012 Presidential Election
作者 張傳賢
頁次 043-080
關鍵字 重分配貧富不均理性選擇政黨認同公共財供給redistributionincome inequalityrational choiceparty identificationpublic goods provisionTSSCI
出刊日期 201411


有別於以往選舉中以族群、統獨及經濟發展為選舉競爭的主軸, 在2012 年總統選舉中,社會正義與貧富不均的議題成為藍綠的主要政 見與政策攻防的焦點。本文同時從政治經濟學理論與政黨功能的角度出 發,解讀民眾在縮小貧富差距立場上的差異。利用TEDS2012 的資料, 我們發現人們對於家庭與總體經濟的展望、公共財提供意願與政黨認同 的方向與強度,對於其重分配的立場都有顯著的影響。本文進一步利用 結構方程式模型發現,兩岸交流雖然不致於直接影響人們在縮小貧富差 距的立場,但是藉由影響民眾對於未來經濟狀況的展望,也使其間接左 右了民眾在重分配議題上的立場。


Unlike conventional presidential elections in which ethnic identity, unification and independence, and economic development were the core issues of political competitions, in the 2012 presidential election, the issue of social justice and redistribution firstly was included in the candidates’ platforms. This article investigates the question of redistribution from the theoretical perspectives and political competition, and explains the variation in the voters’ opinions on this issue. By incorporating the TEDS 2012 data with structural equation modeling, we find that the theories of classical political economy, the supply theory of public goods, and party identity all provide explanations for this issue. In addition, we also find that although the cross-strait economic and trade exchange does not directly influence people’s opinions toward redistribution, nevertheless, it impacts their attitudes toward their future household income, and indirectly affects their standpoints on the redistributive issues.
