
社會科學論叢 EconLit

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篇名 防禦性民主與德國民主的正常化
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Defensive Democracy And the Normalization of German Democracy
作者 蕭國忠
頁次 053-102
關鍵字 激進勢力防禦性民主自由且民主的基本秩序黨禁憲政愛國主義radical forcesdefensive democracyfree democratic basic orderprohibition of political partiesconstitutional patriotismEconLit
出刊日期 201010




What kind of attitudes and legal systems should a consolidated democracy use to deal with radical forces that have remained in the political system? If these radical forces are deemed as competitors and must co-exist with demooracy, how should the Federal Republic of Germany execute the defensive democracy appropriately to maintain the diversity and tolerance of democracy? What key factors are involved in this process? In order to answer these questions, this paper attempts to use the evolutionary process from intolerance toward radical forces to the realization of coexistence and conducts an indepth analysis of defensive democracy. At the same time, this exploration shall gradually shed light on the trajectory of the normalization of German democracy.
