
社會科學論叢 EconLit

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篇名 國家發展研究主導概念之變化及其政策意涵
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 The Change of Leading Concepts in the Study of National Development and its Policy Implications
作者 龐建國
頁次 104-154
關鍵字 現代性現代化依賴世界體系發展型國家全球化modernitymodernizationdependencythe world-systemthe developmental stateglobalizationEconLit
出刊日期 201010




The construction and evolution of the theories in social sciences are influenced primarily by two aspects, namely, historical context and theoretical heritage. Taking historical context and theoretical heritage into account, we will be able to describe the features and comprehend the related implications of the theories. From the perspective of “paradigm shift”, we can figure out dominant paradigms or perspectives in the study of national development for different periods of time and present them concisely with relevant leading concepts. This article intends to point out these leading concepts. The author’s argument is that modernization, dependency, the world-system, the developmental state and globalization mark out the leading concepts in the study of national development for different periods of time since the end of the Second World War. These leading concepts represent different research paradigms and suggest different policy implications. All of these evolutions, however, can be understood as the diffusions and responses of modernity.
