
社會科學論叢 EconLit

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篇名 晚睡人口的非慣俗性、放鬆與人際關係
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 Nightimers’ Unconventionality, Slacking and Personal Relationship
作者 蔡明璋郭盛哲
頁次 037-080
關鍵字 夜晚非慣俗性社會互動主觀福祉NightUnconventionalitySocial InteractionSubjective Well-beingEconLit
出刊日期 201410




This study aims to investigate the influence of nighttime on social behaviors and attitudes among Taiwanese people. Melbin’s (1978) idea of “night as a frontier” suggests that night constitutes a unique social space which encourages unconventional values and deeds (Fu, 1997). We further extend the theorizing of frontier and propose several hypotheses for empirical testing, with a new attention to the effect on slackening and social relationships. Pooling four waves of data from the Taiwan Social Change Survey (1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010), we replicated previous findings that urban youth is a major group of “night owls”. We additionally show that people working in the service sector more likely are awake and being outside home after midnight. However, these night owls are not more unconventional in values, a finding differing from Fu’s (1997) study of Taiwan sample. Night activities yet correlate with consumption of tobacco and alcohol and contacting with unknown persons. We conclude that while nighttime remains be a frontier, what divides day people and night owls is not freaky thoughts but use of psychoactive substances as well as widespread personal relationships.
