
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 張性《杜律演義》研究
卷期 29
並列篇名 The review of the poetry’s connotation in Zhang Sing’s(張性) Tu Lu Yen Yi(杜律演義)
作者 徐國能
頁次 065-092
關鍵字 杜甫律詩張性杜律演義通俗詩學Du Furegulated verseZhang SingTu Lu Yen YPopular poeticsTHCI
出刊日期 201505


張性《杜律演義》共收杜甫七言律詩151 首,分體別為兩卷,當屬元代杜詩 學重要的作品。此書在明代頗受歡迎,一再重刊、翻刻,遭人偽托、改編等現象 也所在多有;然目前對此書的研究成果多集中於和偽書《杜律虞註》間的關係, 其內容與影響並未顯豁。本文重新考察其成書與依據,並認為《杜律演義》主要 的特色在於轉移當時經學講論的形式於詩學,「演義」論詩之型態改變長期以來 以箋注、評點的批評形式與內涵。張性在《杜律演義》中,不求箋注詳密,但求 因詞說詩,闡論詩旨;同時能削刪偽說、剪除附會,弘揚杜詩中儒家倫理情懷; 並不廢詩格、詩法之論,開出以杜詩為範本之示人為詩之途。從杜詩學史來說, 《杜律演義》承上啟下,對明清詩學頗有影響;然其亦不能避免時代與個人之侷 限而走向通俗詩學之論詩模式,於造藝之本原探究不深,因此也為識者所詬病。 但在元代詩學的氛圍中,《杜律演義》對於推廣杜詩、重尊杜甫之詩學轉變,亦 有其不可磨滅之歷史意義。


While has long been ignored by the reviewers, Zhang Sing’s Tu Lu Yen Yi is actually the representative of interpreting Tu’s poetry. This paper is attempting to re-clarify Zhang’s review of the poetry’s connotation as well as explain its meaning of times while demonstrate the position and value of this book on the poetry of Tu Fu. The study was developed in two ways. On one hand, this book is the pioneer of reviewing Tu Fu’s Regulated Verse in Seven-Syllable Line which holds unique opinions on the subject and creating methods of Tu’s poetry. On the other hand, being situated in the peak of “Popular Poetics” in Yuan Dynasty, Zhang’s review on Tu’s Regulated Verse in Seven-Syllable Line was inevitably effected by Popular Poetics; being such the circumstance, both the rudimentary interpretation and the disclosure of making poetry make Zhang’s book popular during that times but instead cannot make the book receive good reviews in later generations.
