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篇名 學用合一人才培育機制的規劃與實踐:以逢甲大學推動課程分流經驗為例
卷期 254
並列篇名 Planning and Implementation of a Talent Nurturing Mechanism with Knowledge– action Integration: Using the Experience of Feng Chia University in Promoting Course Streaming as an Example
作者 鄧鈞文李靜儀
頁次 018-030
關鍵字 多元升等課程分流學用合一multiple promotioncourse streamingknowledge–action integration
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.3966/168063602015060254002




In this rapidly-changing society, a long-term and common challenge for the educational authorities, institutions of higher learning, and the industries at present is the nurturing of talents who meet the needs of the industries and at the same time, the creation of jobs that allow graduates to fully utilize their talents. There is currently a mismatch between the knowledge that students gained in school and the technical abilities needed at the work place. To effectively bridge this gap and strengthen knowledge–action integration to boost their students’ competitiveness in terms of employability, the Feng Chia University had promoted a comprehensive course streaming program. Within the institution, curriculum-related regulations were revised to facilitate the appropriate planning, streaming, and confi guration of courses into either the practical or academic category. Professionals from the industries were invited to jointly develop the curriculum for the practical courses, while university– industry alliance members and teachers jointly researched and proposed the themes. This special program focused on solving the practical issues faced by the industries. Teachers were encouraged to partake in practical teaching and to allow their students to participate in off-campus internships, so that the latter would be able to integrate professional knowledge and practical experience. Eventually, a full circle was achieved when the students returned to the course mechanism and carried out self-reviews and underwent external assessments. The course streaming program aimed to facilitate the adaptive development of students and nurture talents with diverse abilities, thereby promoting industrial upgrading. The modular courses not only enhanced the professional knowledge and ability of students and their competitiveness in terms of employability, but were also effective in guiding their adaptive development.
