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篇名 從課程分流觀點 談職前幼兒教師情緒能力之培育
卷期 254
並列篇名 Pre-service Teachers’ Emotional Competence Cultivate: From Curriculum Tracking
作者 傅清雪
頁次 031-044
關鍵字 情緒能力課程分流職前幼兒教師curriculum trackingpreschool teachersemotional competence
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.3966/168063602015060254003


在幼教職場中,「情緒能力」被視為幼兒教師課程活動設計、班級經營的重要能 力。職前教師很少有情緒技能的培育或如何管理情緒的課程教導(Meyer, 2009)。當幼 兒教師遇到家長的無理要求或不知所措時,回應到幼兒身上的,幾乎都是負向的情緒。 職前幼兒教師應當學習如何成為情緒的主人,倘若教師無法控制自我的生理及行為,教 學品質將受到干擾。因此,幼兒教師以他們所理解的情緒設計課程,並成為他們的教學 風格及教學方法,此意謂著這位教師是個稱職教師,因為他能理解自己及學生的情緒 (Zembylas, 2007)。從職場需求的「課程分流」觀點而言,思考的情緒能力培育將有助 於職前幼兒教師畢業後更能適應職場現況,也能在教學上得到更好的肯定與支持。


The preschool workplace regarded “emotional competence” was an important capability, which was how to design curriculum activities and classroom management. Knowledge of emotions is also foundational to teaching, as teachers must correctly appraise student emotions to make sound instructional decisions and to interact with students successfully (Meyer, 2009). They use their understanding of emotion to make curricular decisions and to inform their pedagogical styles and practices (Zembylas, 2007). From a position of differentiation, From curriculum tracking, cultivate pre-service teachers’ emotional competence. It will get better current situation but also to get better recognition and support in preschool.
