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篇名 學用合一的課程分流設計與實施
卷期 254
並列篇名 Design and Implementation of Tracking on Curriculum Development of Graduates’ Competencies towards Employability
作者 顧志遠皮世明
頁次 045-059
關鍵字 高等教育課程分流課程再造學用合一higher educationcurriculum trackingcurriculum reengineeringgraduates’ competencies towards employability
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.3966/168063602015060254004




In recent years, due to the rapid changes in the employment environment, as well as college graduates increased rapidly, making many graduates face major employment challenges. At this time, the government, industry, and schools have been trying to find some solutions. The purpose of curriculum tracking is to introduce practical course and to change teaching methods based on students’ professional learning. It highlights different teaching patterns; include academic research and professional practice. Bring up students’ employability and cross-disciplines capabilities through practitioners teaching or internships. This paper aims to discuss the case of Chung Yuan Christian University, and focus on the curriculum development of graduates’ competencies towards employability. In the process of implementation, we want to link curriculum and students’ career closely, so that it enables students to choose their future direction. Besides, we hope to inspire different students’ motivation, and enable them have a clear understanding about learning objective and content. Here, we hope it offer some suggestions as a reference.
