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篇名 服務學習創新歷程模式建構與成效評量研究:以國立臺灣師範大學為例
卷期 254
並列篇名 Constructing the Model of Service- Learning Innovation Process and Evaluating Model Effectiveness: Using the National Taiwan Normal University as an Example
作者 劉若蘭李育齊
頁次 076-093
關鍵字 成效評量服務學習歷程模式課程品質outcome evaluationprocess model of service-learningquality of curriculum
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.3966/168063602015060254006




Since the 2009 academic year, the National Taiwan Normal University has promoted service-learning curricula based on a process model comprising preparation, service, reflection, and celebration. In 2013, the service-learning curriculum system model was readjusted. In this study, the promotion experience at the National Taiwan Normal University was used in conjunction with domestic and foreign literature to construct a service-learning curriculum process model matching the university’s context; a questionnaire was also designed to evaluate model effectiveness. The results of this study indicated that 1,020 students participated in the service-learning Curriculum 1 (knowledge, skill, ability) seminar; the students expressed their satisfaction with the curriculum and showed satisfactory learning results. To assess the curriculum quality, 268 students were requested to complete a questionnaire, revealing that the highest scores were in the service commitment item in service-learning Curricula 2 and 3. In terms of learning achievement, the students displayed the best results in Item “perspective transformation,” which was taught in the service-learning Curricula 2 and 3. Additionally, the service commitment item significantly influenced all learning achievements, whereas the action-based service item significantly influenced students’ interpersonal interactions and school recognition. All curriculum quality items explained 56%–65% of the learning achievement outcomes.
