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篇名 日本校園霸凌防制政策:教育法之觀點
卷期 254
並列篇名 School Bullying Prevention Policies in Japan: From the Perspective of Education Law
作者 林斌
頁次 094-113
關鍵字 校園霸凌教育法學校安全school bullyingeducation lawschool safety
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.3966/168063602015060254007




School bullying has become a key issue of school safety in advanced countries for years. Taking account of there is not only similar social culture in Japan and Taiwan, since the mid-1980s, the Japanese government also has prioritized anti-bullying policies for the prevention of bullying in schools. This study examined the policy measures for the prevention of bullying in schools in Japan, using document analysis method, from the perspective of education law. The conclusions were as following: (1) anti-bullying policies for schools in Japan highlight the personal safety of students and prefer guidance measures rather than sanction measures; (2) Taiwanese government may benefi t from emulating Japan with regard to legal accountability of stakeholders, framework of legislation for anti-bullying policies, and reporting systems for bullying in schools.
