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篇名 自我效能感的時間表:學校校長職業生涯週期中的變化(下)
卷期 254
並列篇名 The Timeline of Self-effi cacy: Changes during the Professional Life Cycle of School Principals
作者 何佳瑞譯
頁次 114-133
關鍵字 工作經驗自我效能校長認知層面理論work experienceself-effi ciencyprincipalsperceptionfacet theory
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.3966/168063602015060254008


目的:本研究的第一個目的是要探討校長的自我效能感(self-efficacy)及其工作 經驗的關係。第二個目的是要針對多維度、層次之校長自我效能感量表(principal selfeffi cacy scale, PSES)進行再研究。 設計/方法/進路:校長自我效能感量表是以Brama-Friedman的量表來測量的 (Brama & Friedman, 2007)。在2010學年度的期間,有123位的校長參與了研究。校長 自我效能感量表是立基在層面理論(Guttman, 1957)之上的。 研究發現:研究顯示,校長自我效能感量表的最高層級,出現在第一年開始領導學 校的那些校長們身上。到了第二年,校長自我效能感量表的層級顯著下降,然後這狀況 一直持續到了第五年。從第五年之後,校長自我效能感量表的層級開始提升,並且在10 年之後逐漸趨於穩定。此外,研究結果指出,校長自我效能感量表乃由組織領導、教育 領導、教學領導以及外部的、社區的關係所組成。 研究限制/意涵:本研究的樣本相對較少,且大部分是來自於以色列的中央學區。 第二項限制乃在於樣本僅僅納入了猶太校長們,然而,現在以色列人口數有20%是阿拉 伯人,未來的研究應當也要將少數人考慮進去,以使問題獲得啟發。 實踐意涵:對於校長自我效能感量表以及校長工作經驗間之關係的理解,有助於政策決策者在在職訓練的專業持續發展上,做出適當的決定。原創性/價值:有關校長對自我效能的認知及其與工作經驗的關係,人們所知極少。


“The timeline of self-efficacy: Changes during the professional life cycle of school principals,” by Yael Fisher, 2013, Journal of Education Administration, 52(1), 58-83, © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Purpose – The first purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between principal selfefficacy and work experience. The second purpose of this paper is to restudy the structure of a multidimensional and hierarchical Principal Self-Efficacy Scale (PSES). Design/methodology/approach – PSES was measured using the Brama-Friedman scale (PSES) (Brama & Friedman, 2007). During the 2010 school year, 123 principals participated. Exploration of PSES was based on Facet Theory (Guttman, 1959). Findings – The findings show that the highest levels of the PSES were found with principals that were at their first year of leading the school. The levels of PSES drop signifi cantly during the second year and up to the fi fth year of work experience. The levels of PSES start to rise after the fi fth year, and stabilize after ten years. Furthermore, the fi ndings show that PSES is comprised of organizational leadership, educational, and pedagogical leadership and external and communal relations. Research limitations/implications – The sample was relatively small and mostly from the center school district of Israel. The second limitation was that the sample included only Jewish principals. Since 20 percent of the population in Israel is Arabs, further studies should include all minorities in order to enlighten the issue. Practical implications – Understanding the relations between PSES levels and work experience could assist policy makers with decisions concerning continuing professional development (in-service training) of principals.Originality/value – Little is known about the relations between perceived self-effi cacy of principals and their work experience.
