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篇名 花蓮地區大學生網際網路溝通行爲與社會資本網絡關係之研究
卷期 16
並列篇名 A Study of the Relationship between Internet Communication and Social Capital of College Students in Hua-Lien
作者 呂傑華李明軒
頁次 129-164
關鍵字 電腦中介傳播社會資本網際網路傳播社群網站computer-mediated communication social capitalinternet communicationsocial network
出刊日期 201407


虚擬社群是否是大學生建立信任、提供互惠、積累社會資本 的重要網絡?本研究探問卷調查法,對花蓮三所大學校園學生使 用網路進行聯繫、信任和互惠等範疇進行探討,以瞭解其運用新 科技積累社會資本的溝通模式。研究發現花蓮大學生使用網路的行為頻繁,主要在聊天交 友。擁有社群網站的原因以紀錄分享心情日記與消遣娛樂;使用 社群網站極普遍、時間長,朋友類型主要是大學與高中同學,透 過網路維繫情誼,呈現聯繫與關懷的角色關係。研究顯示大學生 對此種情誼的維繫或溝通,仍存在消遣娛樂的心態,可能影響個 人在社會性與公共接觸的異化。


The explosion in computer-mediated communication (CMC), such as instant communication, blogs, chat rooms and social networks, is widely regarded as an exciting opportunity, especially for youths and college students who have migrated away from home to other cities. Yet whether this new kind of communication tends to increase or decrease social capital is unclear. The internet practices of 614 students in three college campuses in Hua-Lien County were surveyed in order to uncover the subtle connections between on-line communication and youths,social capital. The findings indicate that many college students do build their own social networks through internet communication, which is thus taken to be an important component of life.
