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篇名 技職校院業師知識分享意願對學生實務學習成效之影響-以師生性別配對、契合度為干擾變項
卷期 18
並列篇名 The Influence of Team-Teaching Program to Student
作者 陳婉瑜
頁次 035-047
關鍵字 協同教學知識分享契合度性別差異team-teachingknowledge sharingfitgender difference
出刊日期 201403


教育部為了推動技職課程與產業接軌,自2010年起補助技職學校聘請「業界專家」協同教學,採雙師(專任教師與業界專家)共同授課,透由雙師協同教學,可發揚技職教育「做中學、學中做」之實務教育特色。學校為了要成功推動業師協同教學計畫,在業界師資的遴聘,除了要符合教育部的規範之外,一方面也要考量業師的專業契合度和其價值觀與學校文化的契合度;此外,業師到校授課,是否願意在短時間內將業界實務技能於課堂中充分傳授,也受到業界教師本身的知識分享意願影響。而學生面對不同性別的業師指導,在實務學習成效的滿意度上,是否存在不同的感受。因此,本研究想探究業師的契合度(P-J fit、P-O fit)對學生實務學習成效的影響力;並探究業師的契合度(P-J fit 和 P-O fit)對知識分享意願影響學生實務學習成效的干擾效果;以及探究師生性別配對對知識分享意願影響學生實務學習成效的干擾效果。希望研究結果能提供未來實施業師協同教學之學校、教師和主管單位做為參考。


Since 2010, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan has sponsored technological colleges to recruit industry experts to join the team-teaching program where two teachers (full time teachers and industry experts) conduct their teaching together. In order to successfully promote a team-teaching program with the industry experts and to enhance the learning efficiency of the students, the selection of industry experts is of great importance. Do industrial experts have the willing to share personal knowledge and experiences in seconds would influence students' practical learning efficiency.
This study also explored the influence of industrial experts' knowledge sharing to students' practical learning efficiency, when the experts' P-J fit and P-O fit of industrial experts are different and exploring the influence of industrial experts' knowledge sharing to students' practical learning efficiency, when the gender between industrial experts and students are different. Based on the findings of this study, recommendations about team teaching were made to the educational authorities and teachers. Key Words: team-teaching, knowledge sharing, fit, gender difference.
