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篇名 莫拉克風災後高屏地區重建服務網絡之研究:災難治理的觀點
卷期 52:3
並列篇名 A Study on the Service Networks of Typhoon Morakot Post-Disaster Reconstruction in the South Taiwan: A Governance Approach to Disaster
作者 林珍珍林萬億
頁次 005-052
關鍵字 莫拉克風災災後重建災難治理原住民Typhoon Morakotdisaster governancereconstructionindigenous peopleMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201409




In 2009 Typhoon Morakot caused severe damage to the southern part of Taiwan and relocated people were mostly indigenous people. Therefore significant cultural issues among different ethnic groups have been highlighted in the post-disaster reconstruction process. The purpose of this paper is to address the problem of services networks in the approach of disaster governance. The results come from a study of the reconstruction process in the affected area, Kaohsiung City and Ping Tung County. In the paper, it is examined the structure of service networks, including administrative arrangements, service networks between NGOs and traditional authority in affected village. This research is designed in particular to deepen our understanding as to how ethnic minorities, who already suffer from an inequality of the distribution of economic and political power, are excluded in the policy making process.
