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篇名 金門國家公園發展爭議之探討:網絡管理觀點
卷期 52:3
並列篇名 The Conflict of Developing Kinmen National Park: Perspective of Network Management
作者 陳恒鈞張家齊
頁次 201-263
關鍵字 網絡管理金門國家公園不確定性衝突Network ManagementKinmen National ParkUncertaintyConflictMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201409


國家公園成立後,吸引觀光人潮,帶動當地經濟發展,理應受到 當地住民的支持,然而園區範圍內的部分住民卻採取不支持的態度, 甚至反對抗議,探討其因便是本文之目的。自金門國家公園成立以 來,便與聚落住民具有非正式互動的關係,透過共同規範和義務關係 的建立,逐漸形成網絡。然而,面對複雜問題的解決,難免存在甚多 不確定因素,例如:實質內容、運作過程、制度本身、管理方式以及 外部環境等,致使園區部分住民對國家公園發展目標產生歧見,造成 衝突。 本文以網絡理論為主,並分別運用順序式邏輯斯迴歸分析與深度 訪談法,藉以瞭解這些不確定因素,如何影響園區部分住民不支持國 家公園發展目標的可能性。 研究結果發現,實質內容構面中的價值 觀、管理方式構面中的承諾、制度本身的政策工具因素及外部環境構 面中的政治環境系絡因素為不顯著。本文繼而針對假設檢定不顯著 者,透過深度訪談進一步瞭解其主因為:園區內的聚落住民對管制規 定缺乏瞭解、對發展目標缺乏合作共識以及管制措施過嚴。


With the increasing democratic consciousness, various policy stakeholders affect policy outcomes. Based on that concept, this paper tries to analyze the causes of conflict between local residents within the scope of the National Park, mainly focusing on the reason why the people against the objects of the development of National Park? Since the establishment of Kinmen National Park, the interaction between Kinmen National Park and the local residents has increased, and by following the common norms and obligations, the form of policy network is formatting. However, facing the complexity problems, the cooperation collapsed. Through the questionnaire of the people in the Kinmen National Park, this paper then applies logistic regression analysis and in-depth interview to understand the various factors. The results show that the local people do not identify themselves with the National Park: (i) residents lack proper understanding of the National Park and they are taking a step back from consensus building, (ii) the problems of uneven distribution of resources still exist, and (iii) the implementation of the regulations are too strict.
