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篇名 第五代行動網路之無線網路虛擬化技術
卷期 162
並列篇名 Wireless Network Virtualization for 5G Mobile Networks
作者 徐福得林湧鈞
頁次 005-010
關鍵字 無線網路虛擬化技術無線資源分配無線網路嵌入Wireless Network Virtualization;WNVRadio Resource AllocationWireless Network Embedding
出刊日期 201506


由於近年來行動網路資料的快速增長,Cisco預測到了2019年,行動網路資料數據量將是2014 的10倍[1]。行動數據的增長是如此劇烈,因此行動網路相關的各種資源需要更有效管理與共享機 制。無線網路虛擬化技術(Wireless Network Virtualization)是第五代行動網路相關規格中所引入、 修訂的一種有效的資源分配與共享的方法。本論文首先簡介了無線網路虛擬化的主要概念與技 術。其次,我們進一步介紹多種基於無線網路虛擬化技術的創意與研發成果,並以一實際的無線 資源的虛擬與資源分配問題為例,進一步說明研究者如何針對該問題進行分析,並轉換為傳統的 裝箱問題後用Bottom-Left (BL)處理。最後本論文介紹了我們基於資源需求分割與頻寬聚合 (Carrier Aggregation;CA)技術, 所提出一BL方案的優化思路。其研究數據顯示在考量資源碎片 的分配與載波聚合技術後,我們所提出的方法確實有較好的表現。透過這樣漸進的方式,本論文 由廣漸深地完整地簡介了無線網路虛擬化技術及其相關問題與挑戰。


According to Cisco’s report, global mobile data traffic is expected to rapidly increase and reach about 10-fold amount in 2019 over 2014 [1]. With such an increasin g demand of mobile data usage, more efficient resource management and sharing mechanism is needed for the mobile networks. Wireless Network Virtualization (WMV) is a promising way considered by 5G specifications [2,8]. In this paper, we introduce the characteristics and some popular technologies for the wireless network virtualization. We also survey some WNV problems and prior researches. A virtual network embedding problem with bottom-left (BL) algorithm is taken as an example to depict the WNV resource sharing issue. Taking into account the possibility of request blocks splitting and carrier aggregation (CA) features, we propose a BL-like mechanism. Our numerical results indicate that our proposed scheme outperforms the BL algorithm. Throughout the paper, readers will get a deeper understanding of the technologies and challenges in WNV.
