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篇名 5G毫米波光載微波系統調變設計與網路應用
卷期 162
並列篇名 Modulation design and networks applications of 5G MMW RoF systems
作者 林坤毅陳家銘彭錦龍鄭名宏蕭中芸金家齊林信標嚴雷
頁次 044-052
關鍵字 毫米波光載微波虛像相位陣列Millimeter Wave;MMWRadio-over-Fiber;RoFVirtually Imaged Phased Array;VIPA
出刊日期 201506


因應全球行動數據流量不斷成長,未來行動數據傳輸頻寬需求增加,第5代行動通訊系統將 使用頻率更高、頻寬更大的毫米波(Millimeter Wave)頻段進行傳輸,然而毫米波傳輸卻有衰減大、 穿透性不佳,造成網路涵蓋範圍受限的問題必須克服。透過光載微波系統,可有效延伸基地台信 號至建築物等封閉區域內等電磁波不易穿透的地方, 改善5G毫米波通訊涵蓋範圍。本論文首先 說明目前應用於第四代通訊系統之光載微波系統設計,與其實際驗證結果,並基於目前之光載微 波系統設計, 提出一結合飛秒光纖雷射光梳與虛像相位陣列之5G毫米波通訊光載微波系統調變 架構,與提升5G毫米波光載微波系統網路傳輸效能研究方向。


Due to the growth of global mobile traffic, the bandwidth demand for transmitting mobile traffic is increasing. 5G networks will be operated at millimeter wave (MMW) band which the frequency is higher and the bandwidth is larger. However, the propagation loss and penetration loss of millimeter wave is very high to limit coverage of 5G networks. By using RoF (Radio-over-Fiber), the base station signal can be effectively extended to the buildings or other closure areas to improve the 5G networks coverage. This paper firstly introduces the current design and the test results of RoF systems for 4G systems. Based on current designs of RoF systems, a femtosecond fiber lasers optical frequency comb with VIPA (Virtually Imaged Phased Array) based millimeter wave RoF system modulation architecture is further proposed and a research issue of enhancing 5G MMW RoF networks is introduced.
