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篇名 基於裝置間中繼通訊之行動邊緣計算
卷期 162
並列篇名 D2D Relay Based Mobile Edge Computing
作者 邱彥璋蔡易行楊人順
頁次 053-059
關鍵字 裝置間中繼行動邊緣計算Device-to-Device;D2DRelayMobile-Edge Computing ; MEC
出刊日期 201506


隨著智慧型行動裝置的蓬勃發展與網路基礎建設的積極佈建,民眾對於網路上提供的多元化 服務之依賴性也愈來愈高。因應服務龐大的用戶需求,無論是傳統集中式或雲端伺服器架構,皆 僅能不斷增加硬體設備來提高核心網路與伺服器的負載能力。有鑑於此, 歐洲電信標準協會 (European Telecommunications Standards Institute ; ETSI)提出行動邊緣計算概念,以減輕網路設 備日益增加的壓力,協助行動營運商創造獨特的行動體驗。本篇文章對行動邊緣計算概念進行說 明,探討如何適用在裝置間中繼通訊網路(Device-to-Device Relay Network)環境之中。


With the rapid development of smart mobile devices and actively network infrastructure deployment, people are increasingly dependent on diversified services offered on the internet. In response to the huge demand for service users, whether traditional centralized or cloud architecture, are only increasing hardware equipment to improve the load capacity of the core network and servers. For this reason, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) proposed mobile-edge computing concept to mitigate the increasing pressure of network equipment and help operators to create a distinctive mobile experience. In this paper, we introduce the mobile -edge computing concept and explore how to apply to device-to-device relay network.
