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篇名 微電影之故事行銷分析—以台北市政府微電影為例
卷期 106
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Storytelling Marketing on Micro-film—the Case of Taipei City Government
作者 林家如
頁次 177-200
關鍵字 故事行銷微電影城市形象城市行銷Storytelling marketingmicro-filmcity imagecity marketing
出刊日期 201506


由於行動裝置的出現及普及,聲光娛樂變成可隨時享受的內容,而「微電影」正是相對應產 生的新興傳播內容之一。如今,這種傳播方式不僅受到企業歡迎,也獲得政府單位青睞,許多公 共議題或政策、甚至是城市行銷,也紛紛透過製作微電影的方式與社會大眾進行傳播溝通。本研 究以台北市政府所推出的微電影「愛上台北」為例,探討如何透過微電影,以說故事的方式行銷 台北旅遊。此片是台北市政府觀光傳播局在2012 年所推出,欲吸引大陸及韓國地區的年輕族群 來台北觀光的一部微電影廣告。 本研究根據Fog、Budtz、及Yakaboylu (2005)所提出的故事行銷四大元素:訊息(message)、 衝突(conflict)、人物(character)、以及情節(plot)做為分析架構,探討「愛上台北」此一微 電影如何透過故事行銷的方式來進行台北城市旅遊推廣。研究發現,台北市政府所推出的微電影 在上述四元素上皆有所規劃,一方面以兩個來自外地的遊客在台北相遇後,共遊台北所構築的快 樂經歷為故事主軸,呈現出台北的正面形象。另一方面,此片以情感訴求講述男女主角心情上的 轉變,其中的劇情設計、角色安排符合典型故事的原則,也巧妙帶出台北城市的多元樣貌和各種 正面形象。


Due to the emergence and the widespread of the Internet and the mobile device technology, micro-film has become one of the popular communication forms. Not only business enterprises, but also government departments adopt it to do the city marketing. This study examines the micro-film "Love@Taipei" produced by Taipei City government in 2012, and tries to analyze the basic questions as follows: how did the government promote Taipei city by storytelling? What kind of story the government told? And how did the government tell the story? Meanwhile, this study examines the storytelling approach of "Love@Taipei" from the prospect of the four elements in a typical story proposed by Klaus Fog, Christian Budtz, and Baris Yakaboylu in 2005. This research found that, firstly, the main storyline of "Love@Taipei" describes two foreign tourists met in Taipei and how they happily experienced Taipei city together. On the one hand, this film appeals to audiences' emotional involvement in the plots; on the other hand, Taipei City is positively portrayed as a diverse and rich city for traveling which brings strength and vitality for people. Secondly, the analysis found that the characters and the plot of the story are well arranged according to the typical story model, which makes this micro-film more accessible and entertaining.
