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篇名 未來的魔毯:淺談二維材料與其大面積製程發展
卷期 203
並列篇名 A Magic Carpet toward Future: Introduction to 2D-Materials and Large-Area Synthetic Technologies
作者 莊鎮宇
頁次 072-080
出刊日期 201506


自從 2004 年第一個熱力學穩定的二維材料-石墨烯-在實驗室中被 3M 膠帶分離出來,二維材料的世紀 自此正式展開。有鑑於所使用的生產方法不可能符合工業應用的規模,因此大規模量產的方法也隨之應運 而生。本文將從二維材料的簡介切入,並簡述目前主流的大面積二維材料「熱壁式化學氣象沉積」合成方 法的發展與優缺點。最後,以目前國內自行研發最新的「冷壁式化學氣象沉積」合成方法做為結束。文中 盡量不涉及艱深的學裡,以易懂的文字與譬喻來引導讀者。期望本文可以成為墊腳石,墊高讀者視角而能 夠一窺尖端二維材料合成技術的魅力與未來潛力。


The age of 2D-materials was boosted by the discovery of the first thermal dynamical stable 2D-material, i.e. graphene, using Scotch tape since 2004. In order to match the requirement of mass production from industry, the synthetic methods have been wide investigated. In the beginning of this paper, an introduction to 2D-materials will be addressed followed by the remarkable synthetic method of hot-wall chemical vapor deposition (HW-CVD). The strength and weakness of HW-CVD will be discussed. After that, the state-of-the-art cold-wall chemical vapor deposition (HW - CVD) for the synthesis of wafer-scaled 2D-materials will be introduced. This paper provides audience a vision and insight to 2D-materials for future applications.

