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篇名 雙極性類鋸齒波壓電驅動器開發探討
卷期 203
並列篇名 The Study of Bipolar Sawtooth-Like Waveform Converter as PZT Driver
作者 廖泰杉
頁次 093-099
出刊日期 201506




It does not require high-precision mechanical components, also free from dust and other disturbances because the apparatus with Stick-slip effect device depends on the platform and supports static and dynamic friction material characteristics for very wide application of piezoelectric displacement devices. Unipolar signal to drive the piezoelectric component under long-term use will produce polarization problem and cause displacement deviation. It is usually using the bi-directional signal to drive a piezoelectric components because the bi-directional signal with a voltage of opposite polarity can offset the polarization in order to solve doubts of polarized effect of piezoelectric components. Therefore, a bipolar sawtooth-like waveform converter as piezoelectric driver was presented. Circuit design and test results described in this article. This technique can be used by scanning probe microscope, or scanning tunneling microscope in the future.

