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篇名 《列子》書中「誠」、「信」概念的翻譯與詮釋問題─以葛瑞漢之《列子》英譯本所作的考察
卷期 18
並列篇名 Translating the Daoist Classic of Liezi: A Study of "Cheng" and "Xin" Concepts and their English Translation and Interpretation
作者 陳寅清
頁次 025-040
關鍵字 列子葛瑞漢《列子》英譯The LiezichengxinA. C. Graham's Translation of The Book of Lieh-tzu
出刊日期 201412


近年來,西方學界對中國道家思想的研究已由《老》、《莊》哲學擴及魏晉玄學和 道教經典的探索,而成書於魏晉的《列子》更以其眾多精彩豐富的寓言故事日益吸 引西方讀者的矚目。廿世紀英國漢學家A. C. Graham 所譯的The Book of Lieh-Tzu 一 書,是目前最完整、最具影響力的《列子》全書英譯本。然而在一些哲學關鍵字眼 上,Graham《列子》譯本的注釋過於簡略,尚有值得探究之處。本文乃針對《列子》 書中意義獨特的「誠」、「信」二字的翻譯問題進行考察與解讀。首先考察中國儒、 道兩家使用「誠」、「信」二字的思路背景及其意義指涉的異同;其次則針對《列 子》書中五段涉及「誠」、「信」概念的寓言及論述,探討A. C. Graham 英譯本中 的翻譯問題:一、〈湯問篇〉之「愚公移山」寓言論「帝感其誠」,二、〈黃帝篇〉 之「商丘開之誠」寓言論「至信之誠」,三、〈力命篇〉論「信命、信理、信心、 信性」,四、〈說符篇〉之「河梁丈人」寓言論「忠、信、誠身」,五、〈周穆王 篇〉論「信覺」與「信夢」。此研究因觸及中西傳統思想、宗教和文化的區辨課題, 故期盼能從反覆的檢視、比較析論中,呈顯「誠」、「信」概念在中西文化差距下 所產生的不同理解並所衍生的新研究面向。


In recent years, the Daoist canon of Liezi, with its large number of fantastic stories, myths, and parables, has attracted more and more sinologists in the West. During this process of cultural exchange and dialogue, "translation" plays an important role which involves not merely different languages, but also philosophical and cross-cultural interpretations. This article discusses issues in translating the Liezi's concepts of cheng and xin, mainly seen from A. C. Graham's The Book of Lieh-tzu, which is so far the most complete and influential English translation of the Liezi. The article first compares the meanings of cheng and xin in Confucian and Daoist contexts. Secondly, it examines five parables and discourses of the cheng and xin concepts in the Liezi text and translation, so to explore the issues and research dimensions in cross-cultural studies.
