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篇名 新一輪的亞洲太空競賽?印度太空計畫之研究及其衝擊
卷期 特集002
並列篇名 New Space Race in Asia?A Study of India’s Space Program and Its Impact
作者 許庭榜
頁次 069-090
關鍵字 亞洲太空競賽印度太空計畫太空之和平使用太空軍事化
出刊日期 201504


1957年10 月,蘇聯發射了第一顆人造衛星,不久之後更在1961 年將 太空人送入軌道中。美國則以第一次將人送上月球的太空計畫來回敬,從 此開啟人類新紀元,並在美蘇之間掀起太空競賽。從歷史上看,世界上第 一次太空競賽出現在冷戰時期的美國與蘇聯之間,並在1991 年蘇聯瓦解 時宣告結束。此後,國際上的主要強權(西方國家)便不再主動投入大量 的資源於太空等相關科技上的研發;相反地,冷戰結束後若干亞洲國家卻 開始積極的發展太空計畫,其中包含了中國、印度、日本、南韓等若干國 家。近年來,隨著中國在太空軍事化上的發展,其他亞洲國家紛紛起而效 尤,尤其是印度,此一情形導致了目前國際關係學者口中的「亞洲太空競賽」。 本文主要集中探討印度在太空使用上的基本立場,以及印度本身在太 空軍事化上的發展。本文的主要目的在於檢視印度是否正朝向太空軍事化的方向發展,以及中、印兩國之間的太空發展是否會激起新一輪的太空競賽。


Space races first emerged between U.S. and Soviet Union during the cold war, but suddenly ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed. Since major powers in the world—the US and Russia—no longer invest enough resources in research and developments of space-related technologies. On the contrary, new Asian giants, particularly China, India, Japan and South Korea, started to develop space programs actively. Indian leaders declared that their space program would only serve its civil and economic needs, and that India has absolutely no intent to compete with other countries in any sort of space race. Recently, with China’s development on space militarization, India began to follow China’s step towards space militarization, leading to a new round of “space race.” This paper primarily focuses on India’s stance with regard to the use of outer space, and its recent development on space militarization. The primary purpose is to discuss whether India is adjusting its space program towards militarization, and whether India’s space program will trigger a new round of space race in Asia in the near future.
