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篇名 從劉完素宣明論方六氣病的方劑藥物分析探討其用藥思想
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 Discussed Medication Thought From Formulas and Herbs Analysis of Six Qi Disease in the Book of Xuan Ming Lun Fang by Liu Wan-Su
作者 陳貞如陳立德陳榮洲
頁次 021-034
關鍵字 劉完素宣明論方六氣病方劑用藥思想LiuWan-SuXuan Ming Lun FangSix Qi DiseaseFormulasMedication Thoughts
出刊日期 201506


劉完素宣明論方書,風門、熱門、傷寒門、水濕門、燥門等五門,屬六氣病。風門方 劑二十三首,藥物使用頻率三次以上者共33 味藥;熱門方劑十二首,8 味藥使用頻率達三 次以上者;傷寒門方劑三十二首,藥物使用頻率達三次以上者18 味藥;水濕門方劑十六首, 有17 味藥使用頻率達三次以上者;燥門方劑四首,藥物使用頻率二次以上者共16 味藥。 完素治六氣病的用藥思想以辛苦寒法,以辛散結,苦燥濕,寒除熱。六氣病中,屬 風熱怫鬱病證者以袪風瀉火為主要治則,火熱怫鬱病證者以清熱瀉下為主,傷寒雜病屬 陽氣怫鬱、表裡俱熱病證者以汗下表裡雙解法,濕熱怫鬱病證的用藥思想乃以散結燥濕 除熱為主,燥熱怫鬱病證則以潤燥散結退熱為主。


Six qi disease included wind, heat, cold damage, water-damp and dry etc. five disease pattern which recorded in the book of Xuan Ming Lun Fang wrote by Liu Wan-Su medical scholar. The wind disease pattern recorded twenty-three formulas and thirdly-three kinds of herbs used frequency were over three times. Twelve formulas of heart disease pattern, herbs used frequency over three times had eight kinds. The 32 formulas of cold damage disease pattern had 18 herbs used frequency over three times. The water-damp disease pattern 16 formulas, among of them 17 herbs used frequency over three times. Four formulas of dry disease pattern had 16 herbs used frequency over two times. The medication thought of Liu Wan-Su scholar for six qi disease used acridbitter- cold method which dissipating binds with acrid, drying dampness with bitter, and eliminating heat with cold . Among of six qi disease, the principle treatment of wind-heat anxious depression was used with expelling wind and draining fire, fireheat anxious depression was used with clearing-heart and precipitation, cold damage and miscellaneous disease caused yang qi anxious depression and exterior-interior heat pattern which the treated principle were sweating and precipitation as well as exterior interior resolution, the medication principle of damp-heat anxious depression was dissipating binds, drying dampness and eliminating heat, and the pattern of dry-heat anxious depression treated with dryness-Moistening, dissipating binds, and abating heat.
