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篇名 主題樂園管理人才評選之含糊決策模式研究
卷期 4
並列篇名 A Study of Management Personnel Selection in Theme Park by Vague Decision Making Model
作者 林佳姿2鄭廷勛
頁次 020-039
關鍵字 管理人才評選主題樂園含糊理論Theme parkSelection of management personnelVague theory
出刊日期 201308




Leisure industry has been one of the leading industries in the world. The abilities of management personnel deeply affect the quality as well as the development of leisure industry. The selection of management personnel often involves multiple, but usually conflicting factors. Also, it always consists of the quantitative and qualitative factors that need to be quantified. To be further, the decision maker sometimes can’t evaluate management personnel candidates with respect to some factors because he/she may be not familiar with those factors. As a result, the selection of management personnel in leisure industry can be viewed as a vague multiple attributes decision making problem. In this paper, the significant attributes and their corresponding importance weightings for theme park are empirically investigated. Moreover, a vague multiple attributes decision making model is proposed to select the optimal management personnel of theme park from all possible candidates.
