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篇名 體驗行銷元素結合文化創意產業之研究-以2012苗栗縣三義雲火龍節為例
卷期 4
並列篇名 A Study on the Factors of Experiential Marketing for Cultural and Creative Industry – A Case Study of 2012 Sanyi Straw Dragon Festival
作者 林饒惓鍾政峰曾筱妤
頁次 058-078
關鍵字 文化創意產業體驗行銷Kano二維品質模式三義雲火龍節Culture and creative industryExperiential marketingKano’s two dimensions modelSanyi straw dragon festival
出刊日期 201308


以創新為主的知識經濟嚴然已成為21 世紀的主要經濟型態,隨著觀光產業全球化之風潮「文化創意產業」也在此時空背景下因應而生,其目的是將原有的「文化產業」結合創新元素,以創造高附加價值,帶動地方經濟發展。文化創意產業為近年來我國六大關鍵新興產業之ㄧ,各地方政府莫不舉辦各具地方特色的節慶活動,並以「文化產業化,產業文化化」的包裝手法,藉以招攬遊客前來消費。 本研究以2012年苗栗縣三義雲火龍節活動參與者為研究對象,問卷採用便利抽樣方式進行調查,發放640份問卷,有效問卷共553份,有效回收率86.4%並以SPSS 20.0統計作業軟體分析參與2012年苗栗縣三義雲火龍節活動之參與者以卡方檢定不同人口統計變數對於不同的行為變數是否具有顯著差異。並分析2012年苗栗縣三義雲火龍節活動體驗行銷之元素,以瞭解此活動之體驗行銷內涵。再以Kano二維品質模式分析是否具備二維品質特性,進一步擬定2012年苗栗縣三義雲火龍節活動體驗所欠缺之行銷策略,供未來經營決策者參考。 研究結果顯示:研究發現參與2012年苗栗縣三義雲火龍節活動之參與者,行為變數與人口統計變數經獨立性檢定後顯示,「參加2012年活動天數」與「教育程度」、「職業」有顯著差異,曾經參與活動次數」則與「性別」、「職業」有顯著差異。 參與2012年苗栗縣三義雲火龍節活動之參與者心中大多具備二維品質概念,所以在規劃品質要素時,已不能只用過去的一維形式,而是進入了二維形式之思考。2012年苗栗縣三義雲火龍節活動之元素經Kano二維品質模式分析結果,屬魅力品質及增加滿意係數最高的構面為關聯體驗,以「結交到虔誠信仰同好」、「感受當地特有的風俗民情」、「提供社會心靈淨化的功能」、「對文化創意產業更有深入了解」、「朝向國際性文化產業觀光活動」,為其主要的體驗行銷魅力因子。未來經營決策者可朝活動中增加此類體驗行銷魅力因子用以提高活動參與者之意願。


The purpose of this study was to explore the original cultural industry expectation through the factors of experiential marketing combine with cultural and creative industry creating higher added value and promoting local economic development. In particular, local characteristics of the festival are cleverly tied in with diversification activity increase tourism consumption.
This study, targeting at 2012 Sanyi straw dragon festival, explored the suitability of experiential marketing factors and later applied it with Kano two-dimensional quality analysis to know the availability of the two-dimensional characteristics. Furthermore, a straw dragon festival experiential marketing strategy was developed.
The main findings from this survey is, 1.The participants in straw dragon festival in “how many days partake in festival”; “level of education” and “occupation” make significant different. 2. “how many times partake in festival”; “gender” and “occupation” make significant different.
It is found that most of the participants in straw dragon festival had the concept of two-dimensional quality. Therefore, two-dimensional form instead of one-dimensional form should be considered in the quality factors planning. From the result of Kano two-dimensional quality model analysis in straw dragon festival, an attractive quality and increase of the coefficient in the highest satisfaction dimensions is the related experience.
The attractive factors of experiential marketing including “make religious aficionado” ; “experiential diversification cultural”; “purify soul”; “Further understand cultural and creative industry”; “becoming an international cultural industry and tourism activity”. It would be recommended that the business owner should pay special intentions to the planning of this factor.
