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篇名 配合港務公司化基隆港之經營策略
卷期 21:1
並列篇名 Operational Strategies Policy for Keelung Port in line with Port Corporatization
作者 張志清甯世強
頁次 045-058
關鍵字 基隆港公司化經營策略Keelung Harborthe companyoperating strategies
出刊日期 201206




With the pace of the advance of globalization, Keelung Port faces unprecedented
crisis and challenges caused by the competition of neighboring port including those
ports in - China and Southeast Asia. The authority of Keelung Port must think about
solutions and upgrade its competitiveness through organizational reform and business
strategy. With the policy of separation between government and enterprises being
determined, Keelung Port will embark on the pace of organizational reform to the
corporatization of port operation.
This study addresses the period for Keelung Port’s organization restructuring
from the adjustment of the overall organization planning, human resources integration
planning, and public authority of the integration planning, container terminals
business strategy, passenger and tourist promenade recreation of the development plan,
the financial advantage and transfer of assets such as the six dimensions. Through the
four experts’ interviews and literature it, we sorts out the business strategy for
Keelung Port. It aims to enhance flexibility of Keelung Port is operations and business
efficiency and thus improve the overall competitiveness of the Port, and overcome the
threat from neighboring ports.
After its corporatization, there will have many benefits ranged among the
operational convenience, the flexibility of human resources, administrative processes,
the efficiency, flexibility in application of funds, asset diversification and the
activation. Of many improve operational performance of Keelung Port and achieve
the goal of profit enhancement.
