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篇名 行動支付系統可用性與績效認知研究
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Evaluation Mobile Payments Usability and Perceived Performance
作者 施光訓陳以真林靜怡
頁次 021-042
關鍵字 行動支付行動商務微軟可用性指南績效認知網路程序分析法Mobile PaymentMobile CommerceMicrosoft Usability Guideline Perceived PerformanceAnalytic Network Process
出刊日期 201403


近年來由於行動技術的發展日趨成熟及行動電話的使用愈來愈普 及,因此行動支付服務潛藏著無限的商機。在行動商務服務中,行動支 付技術是一個新興且重要的應用。使用者除了可運用其個人行動裝置進 行行動支付外,還能延伸至使用各式行動金融服務。對行動商務服務提 供商而言整合手機、電信、金融業者是未來的趨勢。行動支付服務的採 用率是行動商務服務提供者和投資者獲利的關鍵。因此行動商務服務提 供商必須提供一個高品質的行動支付系統,讓使用者方便隨時隨地使用 行動支付服務。 本研究藉由文獻整理歸納出影響使用者採用行動支付系統的16項可 用性因素。應用網路程序分析法(Analytic Network Process; ANP)設計相依 性問卷,再根據各個問項間的相依關係設計正式問卷。並邀請在財金學 界及業界服務兩年以上專家填答專家問卷。藉由應用網路程序分析法 (Analytic Network Process; ANP)找出行動支付系統服務之最佳方案。本研 究發現安全性方案權重值大於功能性方案,表示銀行業者應針對安全性方案進行改善。本研究結果可作為相關業者在制定行動支付服務之參考依據,進一步增加消費者行動支付的使用率。


Mobile technology has become increasingly common in today’s everyday life. Mobile payment is an emerging and important application of mobile commerce. Many Internet-based services have already been ported to the mobile-based environment, embracing the new services is therefore critical to deriving revenue for services providers. Many payment types were developing. Personal mobile devices will replace the currency at payment behavior. So users don’t need any money will be able to complete the transaction. The adoption and use of mobile payment services are critical for both service providers and investors to profit from such an innovation. This study explores the availability of user acceptance of mobile payment factors and summed 16 usability considerations factors affecting user payment for mobile. This study designed a dependency questionnaire using Analytic Network Process (ANP) based on the defined goals, criteria, sub-criteria and program dependencies. And design dependencies questionnaire, and then design the formal questionnaire. Experts from the financial industry and academia with more than two years of working experience were invited to compute the weights and find out the optimum program accordingly. This study found that the weights of the security program were higher than the weights of the functional program. This study could be provided to the banking industry as a basis for decision-making regarding service systems and further increase user usage of mobile payments.
