
中正大學中國文學研究所研究生論文集刊 THCI

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篇名 <孟>、<莊>兩種不同回應規訓禮教的身體觀──兩種倫理學思維之差異探討
卷期 16
並列篇名 Two different responses to the problem of discipline arising from the body of ritual by Mencius and Zhuangzi- research on the differences between two ethical thought.
作者 陳康寧
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 禮儀規訓身體冥契主義倫理Ritual and proprietydisciplinebodymysticismethicsTHCI
出刊日期 201406




Ritual and propriety is a very important theme in Pre-Qin. Ritual and propriety belonged to religious activities on Shang Dynasty but had changed fundamentally during the Western Chou Dynasty. By the Spring and Autumn period and Warring States Period, the meaning of propriety and ritual had expanded and had even become an integral part of the nation’s development. If people live in an environment imbued with the ideas of propriety, they will naturally behave in a manner in line with the rules of propriety, which is called “ the body of ritual.” There had been two opinions on the idea of the body of ritual; Confucianism advocates the body of ritual and Taoism criticize it. If we need to put Confucianism and Taoism into the context of 21 century to think about their modern meaning, we should use western resources to ponder them. The problem of discipline arising from the body of ritual from the perspective of Foucault can be responded by two different thinking systems of Mencius and Zhuangzi with different perspective on ethical care. How do we think about ethics of Mencius and Zhuangzi? First, this paper bases their ethical practices on the mysticism and underscores that both are able to integrate mysticism with extroversive mysticism, laying the foundation of Zhuangzi’s personality of getting attached instead of getting detached. Secondly, the paper also points out that Mencius and Zhuanhzi’s ethics are relevant to the relations between individuals and others, individuals and the nature and also emphasizes that what distinguish the two is that the former’s ethical practice is from human to nature, otherwise the latter’s is from nature to human.
